Going with the Stumble: Accessing hidden history through embodied practice in the time of the virus
Richard S. White
16:00 - 16:30
Short Presentation
‘Walking the Names’ (2019-21) was a series of participatory slow walks in a field of unmarked graves in Bath (UK). In the time of the virus as the contemporary death toll mounted the project developed a particular poignancy. The presentation explores an emergent walking-with process in the context of practices of care in a wounded city. This will be an open exploration of practice attending to speed, stumble and sound in the activation of affect.
Richard S. White PhD: walking and multimedia artist/researcher with specialist interest in embodiment, affect and heritage.
Career background in participatory media arts and education.
Academic affiliation:
Senior Lecturer in Media Practice at Bath Spa University
Current projects include:
'Walking the Names' (2019-21) cycle of walks, Bath Workhouse burial
ground. Soundwalk nominated for Sound Walk September 2020.
'Botany, Empire and Deep Time' (2019-22). Walks, provocations and
interventions in a public garden. Commissioned for Sydney Gardens, Bath.
Portfolio: http://www.walknowtracks.co.uk/
Forced Walks: https://forcedwalks.co.uk/
Twitter/Facebook @walknowlive